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The Peace Patch

Description: Students develop a greater appreciation for music in this beautiful new classic style dance suite. Participants create their own choreography and discuss conflict resolution techniques as they become the characters in the story.

Format: Audio CD and Activities Manual

Music Tracks

  1. Sunrise in the Garden (See clip of students performing at the Bakehouse Art Center.)
  2. Nature’s Child
  3. Morning Song
  4. Mr Byrd Clip (Click title to hear sample)
  5. The Green Lady
  6. Bug Thuggery
  7. The Search (Nervous Little Cat)
  8. The Peace Patch
  9. The Potlatch Party

About the CD

Learn more about Sheila’s educational credentials.

Children move to a thoughtful story which promotes cooperation and concern.

In this charming story and music written by Composer/educator Sheila Firestone, Lital and her friends learn to accommodate starving ‘bug thugs’ who invade their garden. It is a story of searching for alternatives, satisfying needs and celebrating new friends.

Students are invited to find conflict resolution techniques related to their own situations. Problem Solving – Students participate in role-play activities taking the part of the characters in the story.

Students develop a greater appreciation for music. In this beautiful new classic style dance suite. Participants create their own choreography.

How to Order

Call Toll-Free: 1-877-540-song