Description: A CD with a companion booklet of activities for Parents, Teachers and After School Care Programs. Songs to enhance the day’s activities from dawn to dusk.
Songs and Activities by Sheila Firestone, Educator /Composer
Learn more about Sheila’s educational credentials.
Genre: Children’s Music
Format: Audio CD and Activities Manual
Music Tracks
- Good Morning: Visualizing Positive Outcomes. Creating Songs.
- Happy Faces : Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! Identify and express feelings. Make Puppets.
- The Friendly Petting Zoo: Pet and Animal Care. Pantomimes Animal Sounds, Animal Conversations.
- My Pencil Clip: First Person narratives.Click title to hear sample audio. *See the Pencil Song Movie. see index above.
- Baby Can Do: Movement, Conversations, Vocabulary, and Observation.
- Come ABC: Minor Scale sound, Alliteration, and Movement.
- Doodle De Do: Personal Attributes, Action words, Following Directions, Silly Vowels.
- Swinging and Sliding: Travel Rhymes, Metaphors.
- Undies, Undies, Undies: Listening, Responsibility, Following directions, Organization,Time Management.
- I’ve Stamped Your Picture: Distance Relatives, Story Telling, Collage.
- Sleepy Land: Thinking pleasant thoughts, Planning Positive Outcomes, Worry Dolls and other Sweet Dream Charms.
Sample Activity
The Happy Face Stretch
Imagine that you are a clown preparing for a show. Let’s be silly. (Do all actions with the child/ren.) Raise your eyebrows as far as you can towards your forehead. Make some wrinkles on your forehead. Stretch your mouth as wide as you can into a huge smile. Make your teeth show. Wiggle your nose. Try to look at your nose. Squint your eyebrows together. Put your hands beside your ears. Wiggle your fingers with your thumbs pointed to your face, near your ears Laugh out loud. Laugh all the way down to your belly. Relax your face and keep on laughing! Scrunch you lips into a pucker. Point your hands towards your heart. Blow a kiss. We did the Happy Face Stretch.
How to Order
Call Toll-Free: 1-877-540-song